With a Little Help From His Friends

friend of bill w

Mid-summer, 1938, was a watershed period for the writing of our Big Book—it almost did not happen! Donations from the Rockefellers, Charles Towns, and others were helpful, but Bill Wilson’s upcoming Big Book project remained on hold, even doubtful.

Bill W. had written two pre-manuscript drafts: “There is a Solution” (Chapter One) and “Bill’s Story” (Chapter two) during the late spring months of that year—Please notice the reverse order. These chapters were only a beginning effort to publish a short book that could sell for a dollar (about $18.00 today). Happily, Doctor Silkworth added, “The Doctors Opinion” that July.

Bill had endured financial struggle for over a year and had become understandably discouraged. By early fall he had not written anything for three months—he finally stated: “I am not an author.” However, his partner, Hank P., convinced him that just a few more chapters were needed to justify the $1.00 price. Hank’s adamancy was successful! Bill began writing the next two chapters, “More About Alcoholism” and “We Agnostics” on September 15, 1938.

Thank God for Hank P.! I have always considered Hank and Ebby T. as two unsung heroes of AA history, although neither of them remained sober for timely periods. Bill may have made the touchdown, but Ebby handed him the ball and Hank became his inspiring hard-driving coach!

Not to forget Jimmy B. who is given credit for “God as we understood Him.”

By December, Bill had finished the manuscript including “How It Works”, “Into Action”, “Working with Others”, plus four other Chapters. Jim S. helped write the Akron personal stories and the NY stories were also included.

But in early 1939, Tom Uzzell, editor of Colliers Magazine, reduced the manuscript dramatically and a Dr. Howard (perhaps an alias) changed the tone from: “Thou must under pain of drunkenness, “ to “This is what we did.”

The finished book was published in April of 1939. It sold for $3.50.

So, Bill was gifted with many helpful friends as he constructed this marvelous life-saving book for us. Thank you, God!

By Bob S, Richmond, IN

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