April 8, 2016Categories Personal Growth & MeditationPractice Not KnowingIf you’ve been to at least a few AA meetings, odds are that you’ve heard someone say “Take the cotton out of your ears and put […]
February 1, 2016Categories Mental & EmotionalGrowing UpOvercoming a withered mind and becoming an adult Sobriety in one sense is a goal, but in another sense, it is but a door, which permits […]
October 29, 2015Categories Mental & EmotionalSensible ThinkingDo alcoholics have a drinking problem or a thinking problem? This was a question thrown out for discussion at a meeting we attended recently. The member […]
December 21, 2014Categories Mental & EmotionalMy Experience With the Holidays Are DifferentAs bells ring out and carols echo everywhere, we should not be surprised if our spirits take a nosedive. It isn’t that we don’t understand the […]