“Recovery, above all else, is about living and putting goodness into us and into the world about us. We in recovery change the alcoholism delusion for the truth and tasks of recovery and the challenge of living clean and sober. We are to embrace Steps One, Two and Three – work Steps Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine – and live daily Steps Ten, Eleven and Twelve. We are to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us.” (Big Book p.77)
“We are to not only embrace, work and live by spiritual principles; we are to become these spiritual principles. If we remember these things, we will receive gifts, rewards and promises beyond our wildest dreams. This is the miracle of recovery. The more active we are in living a life surrendered to God and directed by spiritual principles, the more remarkable things, signs, wonders and miracles we will experience. If we are painstaking in our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through the first Nine Steps.” (Big Book p.83)
Let go and let God carry you away on His grace believing in His goodness praying often, “O God, I surrender myself, my will and my life to You take care of everything, help me to see and know what I can do to become the best version of myself and to let go and let You do for me what I cannot do. Amen.”
God wants us all to become miracle workers by cooperating with Him to recover and help others to recover from alcoholism and to heal and cure illnesses and diseases. We do this through the Twelve Steps that opens us up to allow Gods Holy Spirit to dwell within us; as this takes place His Spirit which is the highest of all powers removes the lesser power spirits of John Barleycorn and the crazy stranger.
As we live in close conscious contact with God, clean and sober; being spiritually awakened and reborn, we will be taken on a remarkable, wonderful and interesting journey. All we have do is work the first Nine Steps to get and enjoy a right cleaned up relationship with God and live fully a life guided by the last Three Steps. By these we stay guided and protected by God from the workers of evil who will come around when least expected to see if there’s any weakness by which they can penetrate the bullet proof A.A. spiritual armor placed upon us by God and the Twelve Steps.
Happiness, joy and freedom come with adding goodness into God’s creation. We are to read each night Big Book page 86 “when we retire at night” and ask ourselves, “Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life?” God gives us the grace to work the Twelve Steps and the Steps open the way for God’s Spirit to dwell within us so we can do good works.
Life will no longer be confusing and a source of worry or fear when we have allowed God to do with us as He desires. We will have discovered our proper place and usefulness in God’s plan and scheme of things. We are here upon the earth to learn basic lessons, we are here to be helpful to those around us and as we do so we will receive God’s guidance according to our conscience and inner knowing.
Recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous is all about learning to live well sober and spiritually as we become the best versions of ourselves God knows we can be.
When we live the Steps, Traditions and Concepts we will build a design for living which leads us into God the Heaven Fathers thinking, actions and miracles. When we walk the A.A. Program we are given simple slogans to make use of which are very effective like, God First, Let Go and Let God, Live and Let Live, these help us to remember our relationship with God and those about us.
As we let go letting God in, accepting the change brought about by the 36 spiritual principles of the A.A. Program we will not just change – we will progress spiritually and many good works will come about.
These principles teach us to live divine truth, life and love, they bring with them the way of honesty, purity, unselfishness and charity, which heals the soul, makes straight our path, creates sobriety and God becomes our living reality and miracles will abound both silent and unknown, as well as, seen and obvious miracles.
By Jerome D.