stars and space
I Am Just Learning How to Do Life
November 1, 2021
feeling safe protected
Ego Good? Ego Bad?
November 1, 2021
stars and space
I Am Just Learning How to Do Life
November 1, 2021
feeling safe protected
Ego Good? Ego Bad?
November 1, 2021
taxi driver

When I was a taxi driver in Los Angeles during the 1980s, many “adventures” took place that called for immediate use of Step Ten. For instance, drunks vomited in the back seat and passengers took off and ran to avoid paying.

One mentally ill guy announced he had no money but just wanted to go for a ride, which cost me about ten dollars on the meter. A rich family left no tip after a thirty-mile trip to LAX, which included my handling heavy luggage. After these sorts of “adventures” I naturally experienced anger. Maybe worse!

Luckily, AA had taught me that repeated thoughts of anger (resentment) could threaten my sobriety—but what to do?

This is where page 84 from the Big Book came in handy. It says to ask God, at once, to remove my anger and then discuss my defect or shortcoming with someone at once. (LA has clubhouses galore, so was no problem).

Lastly, it suggests: “Then, we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help.” I think this could be a prayer for someone or even planning a birthday gift.

AA has provided the ability to control my mind, at to some degree—at least better than before. I like to think before I think! When I feel thoughts of selfishness, dishonesty, resentment or fear coming to consciousness, I go to God for help. A simple statement such as, “Be still and know that I am God,” seems to calm me down enough to stymie destructive thoughts. What freedom!

Bill Wilson’s Oxford Group mentor, Reverend Sam Shoemaker, summed up AA as: “Out of self, into God, into others.”

I have learned that when negative emotions begin to take over, Step Ten has taught me what to do. Step Ten is indeed an all-day-long Step! Its rewards are beyond belief: “Instead, the problem (mental Obsession) has been removed. It does not exist for us.” (B.B. p. 85) That is so long as I keep in fit spiritual condition. Step Ten allows this to happen.

By Bob S.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the AA Cleveland District Office.