I had dropped by my partner’s workplace to bring her some items she had requested. Her co-worker, Shannon, was there. I’d met Shannon socially a few […]
First, what is an Intergroup or a Central Office? A central or intergroup office, (e.g. AA Cleveland District Office) is a service office of Alcoholics Anonymous […]
Sponsorship in the Age of Zoom and the Pandemic What is sponsorship? Alcoholics Anonymous began with sponsorship. When Bill W., only a few months sober, was […]
An Important 12-Step Opportunity! Bill W. wrote in an AA pamphlet: “Sobriety—freedom from alcohol through the teaching and practice of the Twelve Steps—is the sole purpose […]
The Pink Can has been a tradition within A.A. since 1957. Originated in Northern California, its purpose is to raise money to provide Conference Approved reading […]
From the Corrections Committee: Pink Cans are found at some meetings, but what are they? Pink Cans are the beginning of a twelfth step journey that […]