
Little Red Book for Women


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Features original text of “Little Red Book” alongside annotated passages that reveal and clarify core issues of recovery that women face. The Little Red Book evolved from a series of notes originally prepared as Twelve Step suggestions for AA beginners. It aids in the study of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and contains many helpful topics for discussion meetings. Its distribution is prompted by a desire to “carry the message to alcoholics” in gratitude of our daily reprieve from insanity or alcoholic death.

Many groups, in meeting the AA need for instruction of new members, have adopted this brief summary of the AA recovery program expounded in the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, as an outline for study of that book. Worthwhile results have followed the inauguration of weekly classes devoted to guidance of new members in their quest for a better understanding of the Twelve Steps as a way of life for recovery from alcoholism.

These classes, directed by qualified members, have created solidarity of understanding within our fellowship. They have brought a closer adherence to the Big Book, better understanding and application of its philosophy, more effective sponsorship and a much higher ratio of sobriety among our members.

We hope The Little Red Book for Women opens new avenues of thought and helps the AA member arrive at his or her successful interpretation of the program.

The Little Red Book for Women (hardcover) makes frequent reference to basic matter in Alcoholics Anonymous, fourth edition.

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