The Pink Can has been a tradition within A.A. since 1957. Originated in Northern California, its purpose is to raise money to provide Conference Approved reading materials to incarcerated men and women who seek recovery from alcoholism. Volunteers from the Cleveland Corrections Committee distribute Big Books, 12 and 12s, and Grapevines at meetings when they visit the jails and prisons.
The CCC is updating our donor list and we need your help.
If your group has been donating to the Pink Can fund and get thank you letters for each donation you are current. Thank you.
If you have a Pink Can and no longer donate but would like to, or if you have never participated in the Pink Can and are considering it, here’s what you need to do:
First hold a group conscience meeting to approve participation. Then, go here. You’ll find the registration form which you can print, complete and mail – the address on the form. Once we receive your registration, we’ll make arrangements to get a Pink Can to your group.
The form asks for information on your contact person. He/she could be your Secretary or Treasurer but any responsible member is fine. Donations can be sent by check monthly, quarterly, semi annually or annually. Whenever you choose to donate we will send a Thank You letter to your contact person indicating the amount of your donation and expressing our gratitude.
When indicating the name of your group it should read as printed in the current Cleveland District Office Meeting Schedule.
Every penny donated is used to purchase Program Approved materials which end up in the hands those who struggle with alcoholism behind bars. The Corrections Committee is self sustaining through our own 7th Tradition.
Many inmates find or rediscover their Higher Power behind bars. By carrying the message to those who still suffer we can help them on their journey toward true Spiritual Awakening. And we stay sober.
Thank you!
By Anonymous