Dear AA Group Secretary or Member,
The Annual Fund Drive for the AA Cleveland District Office began on March 1, 2021. We come to you every year to raise awareness of the needs of your office. In years past, your donations have sustained us, and we look forward to your continued generosity. 2020 was a year that was unprecedented.
The COVID-19 lockdown came right in the middle of our 2020 Fund Drive. While some meetings have reopened, many are still on Zoom and the CDO, as well as our members, have adapted to these changes.
We ask for more than your financial support. We are an organization that governs from the bottom up; we cannot function properly without your input.
We will not be sending out our usual Fund Drive Material this year. We ask you to designate someone on your meeting both on Zoom and in person to help us with our Fund Drive.
We have Fund Drive materials, and you can donate online or mail your donation to the office at 1557 St. Clair NE, Cleveland, Ohio 44114.
If you have questions or need assistance in any way, please don’t hesitate to call us at (216) 241-7387. Again, thank you for your selfless service to the CDO and the Cleveland AA Community. Right now, the CDO cannot do the outreach we usually do, but we are able to:
Answer telephone calls to:
- Help the still suffering alcoholic
- Give locations and times for AA meetings
- Refer to other 12-Step programs and resources
- Give information on existing area treatment program/facilities
- Have up to two members come in at a time to browse for, and buy, Literature
- Ship literature to our members
Stay faithful to the Seventh Tradition of self-support through our own contributions by donating to, and helping us conduct, our Annual Fund Drive. Stay committed to:
I am responsible…When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.