Why am I not receiving the email newsletter?

Typically, when subscribers don’t see our email newsletter in their inboxes, it’s either because of spam filters or they never completed the signup process.

  1. Spam filter: Check your spam filter settings and junk folder to be sure that our content and/or address isn’t blocked.
  2. Double Opt-in: Our newsletter uses a double opt-in process which includes two steps. In step 1, you need to fill out and submit the signup form. In step 2, you’ll receive a confirmation email in which you need to click the Yes, subscribe me to this newsletter button to verify your email address. Only then will you be added to the newsletter. If you do not recall taking this action, resubscribe to receive the confiramtion email again.

  1. Whitelist: Add our From email address ([hide_email email=”newsletter@aacle.org”]) to your contact list, whitelist or address book.
  2. Throttle: Are you using a webmail provider such as AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail? These providers throttle delivery, which can sometimes result in emails taking about 24 hours to be delivered to a specific email account.
  3. Filters: Sometimes, particularly with corporate and university filters, email newsletters look suspicious due to additional security settings and are blocked. Review the allowlisting information (other providers may refer to it as “whitelisting”) if this may be the case.
  4. Delivery time: It is possible that the newsletter has not yet actually gone out yet. Typically, it goes out the first week of each month.

If none of the above seem to get our emails into your inbox, please contact us with the details and we’ll be glad to look into this matter.