General Interest

A general selection of links that are all related to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Official Website of Alcoholics Anonymous
The official web site of the General Service Office (G.S.O.) of Alcoholics Anonymous in New York, NY (a.k.a. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc)

AA Grapevine
The Voice of Alcoholics Anonymous. The International Journal of AA including articles, stories, jokes, letters and subscriptions. Since 1944.

Big Book Online
Read the entire A.A. Big Book (4th edition) online. This is the essential recovery text for recovering from alcoholism and has served as a lifeline to millions worldwide.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Online
Read the entire 12x12 online. This book lays out the principles by which A.A. members recover and by which the fellowship functions.

Pamphlets Download
Instant download of all Alcoholics Anonymous G.S.O. pamphlets.

Al-Anon Cleveland
For relatives and friends of alcoholics. Al-Anon members share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems of living with an alcoholic.

Online Meeting Directory
Find online meetings held by email, chat, audio/video, discussion forums and telephone.

Dr. Bob's Home
Many once hopeless alcoholics, Dr. Bob among them, made their first shaky steps toward recovery in this place.

Ohio Intergroups

Other A.A. intergroups, answering services and meetings in the Ohio area. Contact the one closest to where you are looking for an A.A. Meeting.

Akron Ohio A.A.

Area 54 Northeast Ohio General Services

Ashtabula Ohio Intergroup

Canton Ohio Intergroup Council

Chillicothe Ohio - Appalachian Ohio Intergroup Office

Cincinnati Ohio Central Office

Columbus Ohio Central Office

Dayton Ohio Central Office

Lancaster Ohio Area Intergroup - (800) 870-3795

Lima Ohio Area Intergroup - (419) 234-3800

Lorain County Ohio Central Office

Mansfield Ohio Area Intergroup

Marion Ohio Area Intergroup - (740) 387-5546

Middletown Ohio (Dist 11) - (513) 423-0102

Mt. Vernon Ohio (Dist 4) - (740) 393-2439

Newark Ohio Intergroup Office - (740) 345-7060

Sandusky Ohio Central Office

Toledo Ohio Central Office

Youngstown Ohio A.A. Intergroup

Pamphlets (PDF)

Use the links below for additional information about A.A. groups and related issues (pdf format).

The A.A. Group ...Where It All Begins
Informal guide tells how a group works most effectively, how a new group can be started, and how each group can be linked to A.A. as a whole.

Suggestions for Leading Beginners Meetings
Service pamphlet offering suggestions on how to conduct A.A. meetings for beginners.

Understanding Anonymity
Explains clearly what anonymity means both within and outside A.A.

Problems Other Than Alcohol
Bill’s thoughts on the status of drug addicts within A.A. are as timely as when they appeared in a 1958 Grapevine.

Questions and Answers on Sponsorship
Uses shared A.A. experience to answer 34 questions likely to be asked by persons seeking sponsors, persons wanting to be sponsors, and groups planning sponsorship activity.

The A.A. Member—Medications and Other Drugs
Report from a group of doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. members share their experience with medications and other drugs.

The Twelve Traditions Illustrated
Based on a Grapevine series; presents both the spirit and the practical application of our 12 Traditions.