Spiritual Director: Ken W.
Date: October 28-30 2022
In the Spirit of the former A.A. Retreats at St. Joe’s Christian Life Center in Euclid, 1972 – 2007, and at the Jesuit & Loyola Retreat House since 2012.
Jesuit Retreat House
5629 State Rd.
Parma, Ohio 44134
Directions: www.jrh-cleveland.org
Registration: Begins at 5:00 PM – Dinner: 6:00 PM
Program: Begins at 7:00 PM on Friday and concludes at 11:00 AM on Sunday.
Cost: $205.00 (Includes all meals, room & board). * Space is Limited. Non-vaccinated attendees are requested to wear a mask, and show evidence of a negative COVID test 48 hours prior to arriving at the retreat house.
For More Information:
Cathy Barrett (330) 388-0097 | lovemyredhead2@gmail.com
Karen Schumaker (216) 906-6520 | kschumaker@sbcglobal.net
Charley Bowman (330) 541-3128 | chazbike9@gmail.com