Current Meeting Information for Our Members

aa news update

Best bet stay with the AA clubs

These days, most local meetings are currently closed. When searching for an AA meeting to attend, you will have the most luck by going to an AA Club.

Fully Open

    1. Bainbridge Recovery Club – Bainbridge
    2. Club 24 – Cleveland Heights
    3. Club 62 – Madison
    4. Forest City Club – Near West Side
    5. Just For Today Club – Euclid / Cleveland East
    6. Night and Day Club – Willoughby
    7. Saharid Social Center – Brookpark
    8. Southgate Fellowship Club – Maple Heights
    9. Tri County Arid Club – Eastlake

Partially Open

  1. Brunswick 12 Step Recovery Club – Brunswick
  2. One Day at A Time – East Cleveland

Still Closed To Public

  1. Newburgh Social Center – Newburgh Heights
  2. Serenity Social Club – Garfield Heights

Meetings at Churches

Meetings are still unstable.

  • United Methodist Church in Berea is reclosing until further notice (3 meetings affected).
  • Church of the Ascension in Lakewood is going to re-close several of meetings they re-opened.
  • St Christopher’s Church in Rocky River have just recently re-closed affecting 4 meetings.

Other Meetings

  • Meetings in Hospitals, Libraries, most Community Centers, Government / Service Agencies, Town Halls, Apartment Buildings, etc. remain closed until further notice.

Meeting Options

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Find a Meeting in the main menu
  3. Put in your Zip Code & search by day
  4. If it says: “Meeting Re-opened with COVID 19 protocol in place.” Meeting is open to attend.

Other Meeting Concerns

We have received several complaints from the Health Department concerning certain Groups not following COVID protocol!

I have taken the information and have contacted each Group about the seriousness of the problem. They have been told to correct or face a fine and closure. Each one of these Groups have also been contacted by the Health Department!

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the AA Cleveland District Office.
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