November 17-19, 2023
I’m a curious fellow, read into that what you will. I studied science since I wasn’t satisfied without knowing how stuff works. I guess that’s true of many of us since my home group, like many others, starts their meeting with a reading titled “How It Works.” This came from a book titled Alcoholics Anonymous, nicknamed the Big Book, published by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. (AAWS).
AAWS? Who are they? But before that reading the group chairman for the month read the A.A. Preamble copyrighted by A.A. Grapevine, Inc. Grapevine? What’s that? I was told that these things are some of the “service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve” as stated in our Ninth Tradition.
Both these corporations are headquartered in the state of New York and, since it’s tough for most of us to get there, they come to us for a weekend called a Regional Forum. Region? AA, as we know it, is divided into 8 regions: 6 in the US and 2 in Canada. I’ve learned that we are part of the East Central Region (ECR), consisting of groups in (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin).
It’s Ohio’s turn this year and NE Ohio’s turn within Ohio. So starting Friday, November 17th we will host the weekend-long ECR Forum at the Doubletree in Independence, OH. Attendance is free but registration is required and, while you can register there, preregistration via our aa.org website saves you time. There are videos at that site that explain the Forum better.
When you come, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about many AA activities that you are unlikely to know about that may be helpful to alcoholics you know or might later meet. The leaders of several of our service board committees will be there and will be receptive to questions you might have or even “beefs” you may wish to vent.
It’s mostly cafeteria style, come when you want, attend what you want, and skip the rest. You’ll leave better informed about the Fellowship we all hold so dear.
Is coming this year inconvenient? Well, it’s held every other year somewhere in our 5-state region, every 10th year in Ohio, and every 40th year in NE Ohio. It won’t be so convenient anytime again soon.
By Bob M.