Resolve delivery issues & find your order

Where’s my order?

To check the status of your delivery, go to your Orders. Then, click the View button to see order details, or the Track button for full tracking history. If you did not setup an account prior to placing your order, use the Track Your Order page. You will need your Order # and email address used during checkout.

Can’t find your package after getting a notice of delivery from the Literature Department?

  1. Check your mail room, leasing office, lobby, or with your neighbor.
  2. There’s also a chance your order is still in transit. If it doesn’t show up in 24 more hours, get in touch and we’ll help sort it out.

Don’t see tracking information yet?

  1. Once your order ships, you’ll receive an email to let you know it’s on the way.
  2. Sometimes, for one reason or another, tracking information won’t be available or show on your Orders. For example, First Class Mail will not have tracking. If you have any questions about your order, get in touch.