Something Shared
June 4, 2019
Breaking the Multi-generational Cycle of Alcoholism
June 27, 2019
Something Shared
June 4, 2019
Breaking the Multi-generational Cycle of Alcoholism
June 27, 2019

A Great Reality Deep Within, By Bob S.

Of course, the oft-heard statement inferring that we are made “in the image of God,” has nothing to do with human biology. Humorously, someone stated, at an AA meeting, that Bill W. had possibly met with God, or at least knew him very well, because he refers to God as a “Him” in the Big Book. At this, an irritated lady came after him with angry-raised fists; luckily, she was held back, thus preventing a serious violation of AA unity (Tradition One).

The Big Book mentions the “Great Reality deep within” on page 55, which to my thinking, correlates with the following meaning expressed by this prominent spiritual teacher:* “God’s image” is our inherent identity in and union with God, an eternal essence that cannot be destroyed. “Likeness” is our personal embodiment of that inner divine image that we have the freedom to develop—or not—throughout our lives.

This thought convinced me that God, rather than some pseudo-physical judgmental far away being, is actually a loving ingredient of my inner self that can be manifested (made alive) through prayer, meditation, and following the Twelve Step directions—an over-self, if you will. Of course, God may be everywhere else, as well, but that sort of philosophy is beyond the capacity of my alcoholic noodle.

However, this “deep within-ness” is an experience that provides a “knowing” of the heart, rather than an intellectual “understanding.” All needed is a willingness to believe to get results (p.46). I was willing to follow through with the Twelve Step process, and received a miraculous release from the mental obsession—this was many years ago. It has been said: “We don’t have to believe in God to work the Twelve Steps—belief comes from the working of them.”

*Fr. Richard Rohr

By By Bob S.

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