My Ego Can Whip Your Ego
May 23, 2018Whatever Happened to the Circle and Triangle?
July 2, 2018Inspire the Fellowship
Central Bulletin, the oldest AA newsletter in the world, is seeking people to anonymously contribute AA-related stories of recovery for inclusion in an upcoming issue. If selected, your article may be shared in print, email and on Share your experience, strength and hope on recovery topics like the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, getting sober, living sober, fear, humility, making amends, resentments, sponsorship, and more. Don't worry, you don’t have to be a professional writer. We will apply standard editing practices as needed. Experience a new way of “giving it away to keep it.” And, help the newcomer and long-timer alike find encouragement and support with your contribution. You never know, it could also be a great investment in your own recovery as well.
Desired content can be anything newsworthy about Alcoholics Anonymous:
- A story, poem, essay, history, criticism or humor
- Articles should be 300-600 words, though longer pieces will be considered
- Photos should be in .jpg format, face-shots will be blurred or discarded
- All formatting will be cleared when the newsletter is created
- Central Bulletin reserves the right to edit as necessary